Monday, May 9, 2011

Making Friends Monday...

Welcome To Making Friends Monday Blog Hop 5/9/11
This Blog Hop is hosted by Living on Love and Cents, The Thrifty Things, Reviewed By Mom , and Coupons are Great.
This week's spotlight is Aimee from Just Kidding Around Atlanta. This b log is #5 on the linky this week. Stop by and tell her hello!
I'm a married Mom of a 16 year old & a 7 year old. I am passionate about using coupons & finding great deals to stretch our one-income budget, I enjoy crafting & DIY decorating, plus baking & cooking. But being a Mom is my most favorite thing of all!
Would you like to be our spotlight? Follow these rules and leave a comment! We will randomly choose one blog to be spotlighted! Then you will be added to our linky!
Will it be you?
1. Follow the Making Friends Monday Hosts publicly(Listed as # 1-4) We WILL follow you Back! LEAVE A COMMENT so we can follow you back!
2. Grab our Making Friends Monday button and include it in a post on your blog. Grab our linky code to for even more followers!
3. Start hopping and remember following back is appreciated!

get the InLinkz code


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