Monday, March 14, 2011

Tom and Jerry: Fur Flying Adventures....Review and Giveaway!

Were you wondering what the other brand new DVD I packed on our trip to Burlington was??  The other gem of a new release that saved our sanity during our long drive was Tom and Jerry:  Fur Flying Adventures (just out last month).  As with Scooby-Doo I am so, so excited to share with A&W cartoons from when I was a kid.  Who didn't love Tom and Jerry??   That crafty mouse pulling the wool over that the long suffering Tom's eyes over and over again was always good for a bunch of giggles!  Here is the scoop on Tom and Jerry:  Fur Flying Adventures...

 They’re at it again – hilariously – in a new and nutty 14-cartoon collection! In this corner, a perturbed pussycat. In the other corner, a mischievous mouse. Let the comedic mayhem begin with this menagerie of 14 fur-flying dust-ups. The tussling twosome travel through time (Guided Mouse-ille), to Europe (Neapolitan Mouse) and into space (O-Solar-Meow). And it’s two against one when Tom’s scaredy-cat cousin George comes to town in Timid Tabby. But Jerry comes out on top time and again in Pet Peeve, That’s My Mommy and Robin Hoodwinked. This collection’s classic cartoons starring your family’s longstanding favorite cat and mouse duo again prove that as their rivalry is neverending, so are the joy and the laughs they spark! 

There are a bunch of reasons why I am a Tom and Jerry fan....they are a childhood favorite, my kids think they are hilarious AND the episodes are short little snippets.   I really like shows with shorter episodes and Tom and Jerry manage to deliver big laughs even in the less than 10 minutes shows.  A&W really, really enjoyed this fun DVD and, to be honest, I really enjoyed watching it with them.  Take a trip down memory lane with the kids (or even without!).   Here is a clip of some of the fun you can expect....

Pick up you copy of Tom and Jerry:  Fur Flying Adventures today on Amazon...

My friends at Warner Bros. are giving THREE lucky Reviewed by Mom readers a copy of Tom and Jerry:  Fur Flying Adventures!!  Here is how to enter...

Mandatory Entry: Leave a comment telling me who YOU are rooting for...Tom or Jerry! I am a Jerry fan myself!  You must complete this entry for all extras to be counted.

For Extra Entries:

1.  Follow this blog= 1 entry
2.  Like Reviewed By Mom on Facebook =1 entry
3.  Like Warner Bros on Facebook=1 entry
4.  Enter one of my other giveaways & let me know you have done so = 1 entry per additional giveaway entered.
5.  Follow Warner Bros. on Twitter= 1 entry
6.  Follow Reviewed By Mom on Twitter = 1 entry
7.  Blog, Tweet or Facebook about this giveaway & let me know where to find it (each can be done once per day) = 1 entry per each

Please leave a separate comment for each entry and be sure to include your e-mail.  Contest is open to US residents and will end on March 25th.    The lucky winner will be announced by e-mail on March 26th and will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen.  Good Luck!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post and I was provided with the above mentioned DVD for purpose of review.  The opinions in this post are entirely my own. Your experience may differ from mine. This post has not been reviewed or edited by anyone. I was not compensated in any other way for this review. The sponsor of this giveaway is responsible for prize fulfillment and shipping the winner(s) their prize.


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