Monday, June 13, 2011

Walgreens Deals!

My husband needed some new razors so this morning I went to Walgreens to scoop up a deal they have going on that was too good to pass up.

Gillette Pro-Fusion ProGlide Razor (manual or battery operated) sale price $9.89
Used a $4 off Gillette Power Razor found in the the 6/5 Proctor & Gamble Insert which dropped price to $5.89.  This is already a great deal but Walgreens is giving a $5 register reward on this deal!  Final price?  $.89!!!!  I may have to go back for a couple more of these!

While I was there I picked up 6 Nestles Crunch  bars using the coupons I have been so excited about which you can print here.

In a nutshell, I left Walgreens with a brand new razor and 6 candy bars for a total of $7.29 with a coupon for $5 off my next purchase....a total cost to me of just $2.29!  Not too shabby!  Something to note about Walgreens which I like is that they don't have a rewards card...just show up and save :).


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