Sunday, May 15, 2011

Oh No!!!

I am sure many of you have noticed that Reviewed By Mom has been having some, well, technical difficulties over the past several days.  Blogger has been having huge issues and so RBM has been affected as well. I have lost several posts and some of the comments placed between May 11th and 13th have disappeared.  I have been following the progress of Bloggers fix on this closely (OBSESSIVELY!!) and am confident that all comments and posts will be restored soon.  I have been using Blogger for more than three years and this is the first issue I have encountered.  I am so sorry for any confusion this has caused to my readers and sponsors and please rest assured that I am doing everything I can to get RBM back on track.  I will not be drawing any winners for my giveaways until Blogger restores all lost comments in order to make it fair for all who entered.  At this time you can leave comments and enter all visible posts so please do get your entries in....there are some great giveaways still going on and I plan on having more go live today. 

Thanks again all and I will keep you posted.  Meanwhile...good luck on all my current giveaways and Happy Sunday!!


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