Thursday, May 19, 2011

What to Expect the Second Year...Review & Giveaway!

Before A&W were born I memorized What to Expect When You're Expecting.  When they arrived I was glued to What to Expect the First Year.  These two books are dog eared and came right back out when Baby R was born.  To have a resource for all your burning questions is very important when you are a busy parent!  When I learned about the release of What to Expect the Second Year I just had to have it....Baby R is now Toddler R and in the throes of the second year (look out world!).  Here is the scoop....

Heidi Murkoff’s What to Expect has delivered again. Announcing the arrival of a brand-new member of the What to Expect family: What to Expect the Second Year. The essential sequel to What to Expect the First Year, with 9.7 million copies in print, What to Expect the Second Year picks up the action at baby’s first birthday, and takes parents through what can only be called “the wonder year”—12 jam-packed (and jam-smeared) months of memorable milestones (from first steps to first words, first scribbles to first friends), lightning-speed learning, endless explorations driven by insatiable curiosity. Not to mention a year of challenges, both for toddlers and the parents who love them, but don’t always love their behaviors (picky eating, negativity, separation anxiety, bedtime battles, biting, and tantrums). Comprehensive, reassuring, empathetic, realistic, and practical, What to Expect the Second Year is filled with solutions, strategies, and plenty of parental pep talks. It helps parents decode the fascinating, complicated, sometimes maddening, always adorable little person last year’s baby has become. 

Heidi Murkoff is a guru!  This book is just what I needed for guidance with Toddler R.  With the usual practical advice and great ideas for managing, ahem, tough stages, What to Expect the Second Year is right on the night stand in Baby R's room!  I am really focusing on the sleep suggestions right now but I am also loving all the ideas about feeding as well as the tips on how to handle tantrums (oh, boy can R really let loose with these lately!).  I am so glad to have this latest addition to the What to Expect books and think they should be must reads for all parents.  Hooray for making the second year a little less daunting!  You can pick up your copy today on Amazon...

Workman Publishing is giving one RBM reader a copy of What to Expect the Second Year!  Here is how to enter...
Mandatory Entry: Leave a comment below telling me why you want to win this book.  You must complete this entry for all extras to be counted.

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Please leave a separate comment for each entry and be sure to include your e-mail. Contest is open to US residents and will end on May 30th. The lucky winner will be announced by e-mail on May 31st and will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is draw. Good Luck!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post and I was provided with the above mentioned book for purpose of review. The opinions in this post are entirely my own. Your experience may differ from mine. This post has not been reviewed or edited by anyone. I was not compensated in any other way for this review. The sponsor of this giveaway is responsible for prize fulfillment and shipping the winner(s) their prize.


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