Thursday, June 9, 2011

$.88 Shaws Trip!

Yesterday I took a quick trip to Shaws to take advantage of 2 great coupon and sales deals they have going on and spent only $.88!  I picked up two cartons of Starbucks Ice Cream (Java Chip and Signature Hot Chocolate...yum!) and two packages of Wacky Mac and spent only $.88!!  Here is how it broke down...

Wacky Mac (buy one get one free).....$1.69  for two
Less 2 $.40 Coupons which Shaws doubled...(-$1.60)
TOTAL= $.09 for two bags!!

Starbucks Ice Cream (buy one get one free)...$3.79 for two
Less 2 $.75 off coupons which Shaws doubled...(-$3.00)
TOTAL= $.79

You can find both the Starbucks and Wacky Mac Coupon here and will be able to print both twice.  Hurry though...these Shaws deals end tonight!!


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