Monday, June 27, 2011

Making Friends Monday...

Welcome To Making Friends Monday Blog Hop 6/27/11 This Blog Hop is hosted by Living on Love and Cents, The Thrifty Things, Reviewed By Mom , and Coupons are Great.

Would you like to be our spotlight? Follow these rules and leave a comment at Living on Love and Cents MFM post (include your email) . 1 will randomly be chosen. Then you will be added to our linky! Will it be you? 1. Follow the Making Friends Monday Hosts publicly(Listed as # 1-4) We WILL follow you Back! LEAVE A COMMENT so we can follow you back!
2. Spread the word: Grab our Making Friends Monday button. You can even Grab our linky code to for even more followers!
3. Start hopping and remember following back is appreciated!

get the InLinkz code


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