Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Essentials of Fabulous: Beacause Whatever Doesn't Work Here Anymore by Ellen Lubin-Sherman

Do you ever feel like you are just coasting by or that you have a whatever attitude?  I know I do.  I will come clean...I have absolutely looked in the mirror, looked a disheveled mess, shrugged, and headed off to the grocery store.  This is not putting me on the road to least according to Ellen Lubin-Sherman.  She is the author of The Essentials of Fabulous:  Because Whatever Doesn't Work Here Anymore.  Here is the scoop on what has me rethinking my lazy ways...

The Essentials of Fabulous shows you how to set yourself apart in this "whatever" world by paying scrupulous attention to detail--how passion, enthusiasm, attitude, superior manners and a terrific style will catapult you right into the fabulous pantheon.We are in an era where text messages are sent as thank-you notes, break-ups are done over e-mail, and athletic gear has become standard outside of the gym. "Whatever" is part of our vernacular. Whatever happened to detail?People today have lost innate joie de vivre--pride in appearance, engaging conversation, and general civilities--yet society seems to have an overarching sense of ennui, sadness, and inability to put their best foot forward. The Essentials of Fabulous is author Ellen Lubin-Sherman's answer to all of this--a wake-up call to all of us. Whether you are an artist, a CEO, a boomer, a baker, or a mom, an empty nester or a diva new to your career, you can reinvent yourself simply by tending to detail--the warmth of your smile, the shine of your shoe, the way you put away your BlackBerry when dining with a friend, the thank-you note that you mail rather than e-mail. It requires respect for old-world courtliness as well as adapting to the latest technology; it means wearing paste jewels and driving caps and vividly green socks...and listening to that all-talk radio inside your head that makes you want to do cartwheels because you're you. Being fabulous requires enthusiasm, a love of purpose and people (and yourself!), and a passion for living that's more contagious than chicken pox. These things and more will leave them saying, "She's fabulous!" You don't have to be connected to get to the top. All you have to do is master the details. The Essentials of Fabulous will guide you step by step, and you begin to live life to its fullest potential and in great style.

I think this is a great read.  Ellen Lubin-Sherman gives practical advice about how to shine and how to get back to the basics when it comes to manners.  I think we all know at least one person who is fabulous.  You know the person...the women who just walks into a room and takes it over.  A smile.  Well put together and above all, graciousness.  The author gives us the proper tools and a good natured nudge (yet firm...the author is firm!!) to get our own selves on the fabulous list.  It does not take a bunch of money or "things" just some small changes that we are all capable of pulling off.  The Essentials of Fabulous is an excellent guide for all women.  Pick it up today on Amazon...


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