Saturday, December 3, 2011

Aimee Wilder Folio for IPAD from Griffin Technology....Review!

Have I told you I recently got an IPAD??  This is huge news for me since I am sort of late to the game technology wise.  You should see my phone. I am pretty sure it is just one step up from the bag phone. Really!  In any case, I now have an IPAD and my quest now, in addition to figuring out all the bells and whistles, is to not break it.  I tend to be a bit absent minded with things.  It would not be out of the question for to imagine my IPAD to come careening out of my unzippered purse as I try and keep the kids from darting into the road during walk. This could definitely happen!  Enter The Aimee Wilder Folio from Griffin Technology!  Here is the scoop...

With bold design inspired by everything from typography to rock poster art, Griffin + Aimée Wilder cases protect your tablet from bumps, jolts and scratches with a slim, padded sleeve. Slide your iPad into the lined case and tuck in the tab to secure your tablet. Pull the tab to slide your iPad out. It's easy-to-carry protection printed with Aimée Wilder's Girlbot pattern.

If you're anything like us, you spend most of your waking life with your iPad within reach. Protect it with something fun!

First off, can we talk about how fun this design is??  I love that it is fun and funky and colorful...just perfect for my new IPAD!  The functionality is perfect too.  The pad is so slim you would think it couldn't be protective yet it is (trust me I know this from a few unfortunate drops!).  I love that it is easy to carry around and that the tab is there to keep my IPAD from falling out.  Aimee Wilder and Griffin Technology have created something fabulous for your is function and fun.  The perfect combination if you ask me!  Pick one up today by clicking HERE.  Be sure to visit Griffin Technology to check out their full line of accessories for Iphones, IPADS and all the other latest technology! Spruce things up a little this Christmas!

*Disclosure:  I received the above mentioned product for purpose of review from Griffin Technology.  The views expressed are my own and my 100% honest opinion. 


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