Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Cat's Life...Review & Giveaway!

I am an animal person.  Although, we currently only have fish as pets, I grew up with dogs, hamsters and even the occasional bird.  My mother is allergic to cats so we were never able to keep one of our own but I always enjoyed the purrs from my Nana's cats (Mittens especially!).  So, despite never owning a cat myself (my husband is allergic which makes a cat out of the question now too) I still consider myself a cat lover which is why I thoroughly enjoyed Chicken Soup for the Soul:  My Cat's Life.  Here is the scoop....

From kittenhood through the twilight years, our feline companions continually bring joy, love, and laughter to the lives of their "staff." This collection of 101 new stories captures the experience of living through the natural life cycle with our cats — from the laugh-out-loud antics of kittens and tear-your-hair-out escapades of teenage cats to the more mature adult years and final stages of life. Stories cover each age and stage with all the fun, frustrations, special bonds and routines involved. The book also holds a special chapter about grieving and recovery when our feline friends leave us.

 This book is heartwarming read for everyone.  The stories about cats from teeny, tiny kittens to cats in their final years will make you laugh and cry and remember the furry friends in your life.  I really loved how so many of the stories focused on the cat/human relationship.  The stories included really honored the special friendships forged between cats and their human companions. As with all Chicken Soup books, I really enjoy the short essays which make it perfect for reading in the amount of time you have.  This book would make a wonderful read for all cat lovers and all the better if they are fortunate enough to have a cat curled in their lap or at their feet.  You can pick up your copy today on Amazon...

Three Lucky RBM readers will win a copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul:  My Cat's Life!  Thanks so much to the sponsor for this great giveaway.  Here is how to enter...

Mandatory Entry: Leave a comment below telling me the name of a special cat in your life now or from your childhood.  This is one must be completed before all extras are counted.

For Extra Entries:

1.  Follow this blog= 1 entry
2.  Like Reviewed By Mom on Facebook =1 entry
3.  Like Chicken Soup for the Soul on Facebook =1 entry
4.  Enter one of my other giveaways & let me know you have done so = 1 entry per giveaway entered.
5.  Follow Chicken Soup for the Soul on Twitter= 1 entry
6.  Follow Reviewed By Mom on Twitter = 1 entry
7.  Blog, Tweet or Facebook about this giveaway & let me know where to find it = 1 entry
8.  Put my button on your blog and tell me where I can find it = 1 entry

Please leave a separate comment for each entry and be sure to include your e-mail.  Contest is open to US residents and will end on June 5th.    The lucky winner will be announced by e-mail on June 6th and will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen.  Good Luck!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post and I was provided with the mentioned book for purpose of review.  The opinions in this post are entirely my own. Your experience may differ from mine. This post has not been reviewed or edited by anyone. I was not compensated in any other way for this review. The sponsor of this giveaway is responsible for prize fulfillment and shipping the winner(s) their prize.


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