Friday, May 27, 2011

A New Hobby (obsession, job, decide!)...

Ok...I have to come clean...I have gotten a little (a lot) obsessed with  couponing.  Like many families we here at RBM are on a budget and every penny saved counts.  I like to think I have always been a smart shopper but I recently reevaluated my spending particularly at places like the grocery store,Wal-Mart and Target.  I was horrified.  I had stopped using coupons and gotten in the habit of rushing through the shopping often with all three kids in tow which resulted in impulse buys and forgotten items (leading to more quick and spendy trips later).  Something had to change. 

I started off slowly and began to use a few coupons here and there.  I then stopped bringing the kids (hello party time...sad to say how blissful solo grocery shopping can be!).  Finally, I started to match my coupons up to what was on sale.  My savings has been staggering.  I won't bore you with the details right now (trust me, I really want to but laundry is beckoning!) but last week my total grocery bill was whittled down by $90.25 by smart shopping and coupons. Imagine saving almost $100 every week...that is pretty remarkable. 

I have begun scouring the internet for deals and will share them here with you when I can.  I hope we can all manage to keep a few (or hundreds of!!) extra dollars in our own pockets.  I know many of you readers are frugal and thrifty as well so feel free to share tips or ideas....let's all save up for a dream vacation shall we?  You can always comment here or feel free to e-mail me at  Meanwhile, stay tuned as I try and coupon my kids to a college education!


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