Sunday, August 21, 2011

Making Friends Monday...Join the Blog Hop!

Welcome to the Making Friends Monday Blog Hop hosted by The Thrifty Things, Reviewed by Mom, Living on Love and Cents, and Coupons are Great. Each Monday we set aside a few minutes to make some new friends. What a fabulous way to start the week! We would love it if you joined us.


Our Spotlight this week is Land of the Free, Home of the Save. This is a pretty new blog (started on August 14th). Be sure to stop by and brighten Trisha’s Monday with a little comment love!

Would you like to be our spotlight? Follow these rules and leave a comment on the Coupons Are Great Making Friends Monday post. One person will randomly be chosen and then added to the number five spot in our linky! Will it be you?

1. Follow the Making Friends Monday Hosts publicly (Listed as # 1-4) We WILL follow you Back! LEAVE A COMMENT so we can follow you back!

2. Grab our Making Friends Monday button and include it in a post on your blog. Grab our linky code to for even more followers!

3. Start hopping and remember following back is appreciated!


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