Friday, November 11, 2011

Gift Guide: FuRReal Friends Newborns Review

Are your kids asking for a new puppy or pet this holiday, but in your head you're thinking "Not Gonna Happen!"  Well, how about taking a different approach to the idea and giving them a FurReal Friends Newborn and allow them to nurture and love their new pet from the very begininning! 
The FurReal Friends Newborn line of toys includes various baby animals who are in need of lots of love and attention!  Just like all of the other FurReal Friends, they make unique real-as-can-be movements, sounds, and actions--allowing them to come to life!  
My daughter had the opportunity to cuddle up with her own FurReal Friends Newborn-- a cute and fuzzy little Penguin!  This cutie patootie flaps her little wings and squaks for her bottle when she gets hungry.  Then, being the good mommy she is, my daughter gets to feed the Penguin her bottle and interact with the cute toy!  She really loves it and has hardly put down the toy since we got it! 
Oh and if you are wondering why I keep referring to the Penguin as a "her," it is because we went online and printed out an adoption certificate, allowing my daughter to name the Penguin Penelope and become her official mama! 
In my opinion, FurReal Friends are the perfect solution to the penny pinching, animal allergy, and "Not Gonna Happen!" moms out there who want to give their children a new pet this holiday!
The FurReal Friends toys are available at most major toy retailers nationwide and on
I was not compensated for this review. I receive product(s) for free so that I can provide my insight and experience. These are my honest opinions. Your experience may vary.


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