Monday, November 14, 2011

Harry Potter and the Dealthy Hallows Part 2 Widget & GIVEAWAY (closed)

The final face-off between good and evil is finally upon us as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 was just recently released last week!
Check out the cool Harry Potter Widget below and
Take The Harry Potter Trivia Quiz!
Are you an expert in all things Potter?  Test your knowledge in our trivia quiz!  Discover if you are an expert or a novice by challenging your skills!  The results might surprise you!
Discover The Harry Potter Buzz Portal!
Are you hungry for the latest in all things Potter?  The Harry Potter Buzz Portal will give you real time updates on the trending Harry Potter topics from Facebook and Twitter.  Plus, you can share your top three tips to having the ultimate Harry Potter party!
(Leave a separate comment for each entry completed)
1 Entry: Follow our blog publicly aka through Google Friend Connect (On the Right Sidebar)
1 Entry: Subscribe to our blog by RSS Feed (On the Right Sidebar)
1 Entry: Subscribe to our blog via email (On the Right Sidebar)
1 Entry: “Like” our Take It From Me Facebook Page & Update your status with a link to this giveaway
1 Entry: Follow Take It From Me on Twitter & tweet about this giveaway (You may do this once daily. Please put the link in your comment- See our helpful Tweet button below!!)
2 Entries: Add our button to your blog
3 Entries: Post about this giveaway and include a link back to our blog (please put the link to your post in your comment)
1 Entry Each: Share this giveaway through Digg, Stumble It, Google Buzz, etc. (share buttons coming soon- some found below)
1 Entry Each: Send an Email to a family member or friend telling them about this giveaway and include takeitfrommegirls (at) gmail (dot) com in the CC
Giveaway closes Tuesday November 22nd at midnight
Winner will be chosen using & announced the following day
(Open to U.S. Only)
(Remember to include your email in one of your posts or have it available on your profile so we can contact you of your win)
I was not compensated for this review. Thank you to Parnters Hub for providing me with this info and giveaway! These are my honest opinions. Your experience may vary.


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