Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Welcome Wednesday 11/16

Welcome Wednesday is now open ALL week and will start NEW every Wednesday!
Welcome to the "Welcome Wednesday" blog hop, hosted by Take It From MeWelcome Wednesday is a great way to meet new people and learn new things as well as increase your blog followers! So let's have some fun!!
If you want to be a part of Welcome Wednesday, just follow these 5 simple steps:
1. Follow us via Google Friend Connect, Facebook or Twitter, as well as the 2 Spotlighted Blogs of the Week!
2. Link up your blog name and URL with our Linky. (You only need to add your info once for it will be seen on all the blog hops)
3. Grab our Welcome Wednesday button and include it in a post about the event on your blog.
4. Go to as many blogs on the MckLinky as you want and Follow them. Be sure to tell them you are from Welcome Wednesday!
5. Be sure to Follow back any followers you have gained from our Welcome Wednesday event!

------Blog Spotlights of The Week-----
1.)  Kelly from Baby Feet and Puppy Breath writes: "Hi, My name is Kelly and I was born, raised and live in the beautiful Bluegrass State of Kentucky and proud of it. I was raised by my Mom and Grandmother in a loving Christian home and my faith in God is what sustains me through all of life's ups and downs. I am married to a former "Jarhead"(don't tell him I said "former") and we have been happily married for 6 years. I am a Mom to an amazing 3 year old daughter and she is the love of my life. I started this blog to share my journey through Motherhood."
2.)  Carolyn from Cookin' For My Captain writes: "I'm a proud army wife and a mother of 2 beautiful children. My husband has been in the Army close to 14 years, and we have been married for 8! I love volunteering for activities around post and in the kids' school, and active in many organizations. I have a major in Art, and since I never got to "work in my field" I find ways in my cooking and random crafts that show my talent. I recently discovered (3 years ago) how much I really love to cook and how to show my creativeness with recipes and photos. I have a Canon G-11 in which I use for everything. Love it! So I hope you enjoy reading while I go on Cookin' for my Captain!"

What's neat about our Blog Hop:
-Put the same linky list code on your blog and you'll have the exact same list!
- Your blog visitors can add their blog to your list and it will show up on Everyones lists!

**Leave a comment with your blog address and we will follow you back**


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