Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Zaggora Hot Pants...Review!

I am pretty sure you all know me  pretty well by now...when it comes to fitness I want quick and easy results.  Is there a magic pill for staying fit and trim??  If there is, I will find it, try it and tell you all about it.  While I have not come across that magic pill yet I have come across something else that helps make weight loss come faster. Zaggora Hot Pants.  Yes, Hot Pants.  Heard of them?  If not, here is the scoop...

Every woman has a layer under their skin (dermis) of connective tissue. This has areas of breakage which allows fat cells (adipose tissue) to come through to the surface. Guys are lucky enough not have this as their connective tissue is unbroken.

This breakage in the connective tissue contributes to the dimpled appearance of skin, causing the appearance of the dreaded ‘cellulite’. To make things worse, the modern lifestyle and work cycle, geared towards long periods of sitting at work, lead to lower circulation in the thighs and tummy. 

HOTPANTS™ are specially designed sports shorts that contain bio-ceramic technology, which emits far infrared rays and reflects back the heat naturally generated by the body to deliver warming up of tissue deep below the skin’s surface.

Bio-ceramics emit far-infrared rays (heat waves) and reflect back the heat naturally generated by the body to promote deeper warming of tissue and breakdown of fat cells. This results in much higher levels of perspiration leading to “flushing out” of toxins and edemas that contribute to the appearance of cellulite. This enhanced body heating also promotes better circulation and lymphatic drainage, the core principle of non-surgical cellulite spa treatments (such as massages).

I am not going to lie....I was skeptical. When my Hot Pants arrived I could not wait to put them to the test. They reminded me a little of scuba pants but not quite as thick. They are pretty thin and look mostly like bicycle shorts. I wore them around the house and, wowza...I really felt the heat! I can see how this could work if you wear them consistently. I am not much of an exerciser but I wear them around the house for housework and playing with the kids and even wear them under jeans sometimes when I am out and about (not super comfortable but I WILL suffer a bit for the promise of thinner hips!).  I have been wearing my Hot Pants for a week and am anxious to keep evaluating my results.  I think these are the real deal and I am not alone.  The web and the company website is filled with success stories.  Sign me up!  You can purchase Hot Pants on the company website HERE and follow on Twitter HERE.

Disclosure:  I was provided with the above mentioned product for  purpose of review.  The thoughts shared are my 100% honest opinion.


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