Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Gift Guide: Peaceable Kingdom Review & GIVEAWAY (closed)

 Every year for the holidays, along with each person's individual gits, we always try to get a few great gifts for the entire family.  If you have younger kids like mine, then take a look at some great games from Peaceable Kingdom!
Besides their great diaries, cards, stickers, learning sets, and more, Peaceable Kingdom has a fantastic selection of children's games!  They have some fun card games, board games, matching games, and even cooperative games.
I had never heard of a cooperative game and was so happy when Peaceable Kingdom sent me their Hoot Owl Hoot! children's cooperative game to play with my family.  Cooperative games "are games where everyone plays together, no one is left out, and everyone has fun! Unlike a traditional game where there is one winner and one (or many) losers, in a cooperative game the players work as a team against a common obstacle, not against each other. Cooperative games emphasize play, not competition. Kids learn to work and play together in respectful and compassionate ways. They learn to share, make decisions together, and trust one another. Cooperative games encourage inclusion and build confidence. Most importantly, the kids play because it’s fun!"(found on their website)
The Hoot Owl Hoot! game we got turned out to be perfect for our family!  The object of the game is to move all the owls from their start positions all the way to their cozy nest before the sun fully rises.  You get 6 owl tokens, a sun token, and mulitple color and sun cards which are used throughout the game.  (From their website)"To start, place the sun token in the first space on the sun track and place 3 owls on the start spaces. Give 3 cards to each player. Players keep their cards face up in front of them so they can work together to strategize how to move. If a player has a sun card she must discard the sun and move the sun token 1 space up. If she has all color cards she discards any 1 color card and then moves any owl to the next open space of that color. If an owl 'flies' over an owl on a space of that color on its way to the next open space, all players make a hooting sound! The game can be made more challenging by adding up to 6 owl tokens. Because Hoot Owl Hoot! is a cooperative game players play any of the owls – no one player has a single owl she is trying to get back to the nest."
Our family had so much fun playing Hoot Owl Hoot!  My kids really enjoyed recognizing the different colors and moving the owls to the right spots!  And unlike some other games, because of the cooperative aspect, there was no fighting, crying, or feeling bad because everyone was a winner!  Even when the sun fully rose and all of our owls hadn't made it back to the nest, my kids just said "Oh no!  Let's play again so we can get them home safely."  It was really cute!  All in all, I just really loved the cooperative Hoot Owl Hoot! game.  We had a great time playing as a family and working together!  I think the game is great for kids to learn how to make decisions together, share with others, work as a team, and even helps to build positive self-esteem!
Be sure to check out all the different cooperative games Peaceable Kingdom has and grab some for your family this holiday!      
Go to the Peaceable Kingdom website to purchase their products
Peaceable Kingdom has offered to give one lucky reader THEIR VERY OWN HOOT OWL HOOT! GAME!!
Visit the Peaceable Kingdom website and tell us what your favorite item is
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Giveaway closes Wednesday November 30that midnight
Winner will be chosen using Random.org& announced the following day
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I was not compensated for this review. These are my honest opinions. Your experience may vary.


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