Thursday, December 8, 2011

Brooklyn5and10 Review & GIVEAWAY (closed)

Brooklyn5and10 has such a great selection of fresh, unique, and trend-setting items!
Something that I have always wanted in my home was an herb garden.  No more heading out to the grocer to pick up so-called "fresh" herbs or having to buy a huge pack of something that you just need a little of!  That's why I was so thrilled when Brooklyn5and10 sent me their adorable Half Pint Garden as well as some of their Matchstick Garden packs!
The Half Pint Garden is a fun herb growing kit that comes in a little milk carton package.  Inside there is a ceramic container, 3 different packets of herb seeds, and peat pellets.  All you have to do is add water, carefully sow the little seeds, and place in a warm and sunny window sill.  Before you know if you have basil, thyme, or mint right in the comfort of your home.  Not only did I love the cute packaging which I thought would make for such a cute gift, but the white ceramic container is so fresh and clean and would look great in any kitchen!  I couldn't believe how easy and simple the herb garden was to do and instantly regretted not getting one before now!
The other amazing product I got from them, the Matchstick Garden Packs, was also a blast to have as well!  Super ingenious, this each little matchbook contains matchsticks lined with tiny seeds.  All you need to do is tear one of the matchsticks off (they don't really ignite) and plant it face down in some soil (the tip with the seeds goes down in the dirt).  Give it water, sun, and a little love...and tada--fresh herbs!  You can buy different herb matchbook sets.  I got the basil, chives, parsley, and thyme one!   Just like the Half Pint Garden, the Matchstick Garden Packs were very easy to use and has such an incredibly rewarding outcome!
I am hooked on all the new fresh herbs I have and have been making several yummy recipes to use them in.  Another plus that you might not think of is the incredible smell!  I am really loving the mint right now which is perfect for the holiday season!
Head over to the Brooklyn5and10 website to check out all of their unique gifts and purchase some of your own


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Giveaway closes Wednesday December 14that midnight

Winner will be chosen using announced the following day
(Open to U.S. Only)
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I was not compensated for this review. I receive product(s) for free so that I can provide my insight and experience. These are my honest opinions. Your experience may vary.


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