Monday, December 19, 2011

Listening Lounge: James Morrison album The Awakening REVIEW

I am such a music junkie!  So when new artists come my way--I'm all about giving them a try!  I was recently sent a copy of James Morrison's album The Awakening to review.
This album is a reflection of James Morrison's personal awakening in life.  He recently became a father but also lost his own father to a long battle with alcoholism and depression.  James took his deep emotions and channeled them into this new album.  The result is a collection of soulful songs which resonate within others.
I really enjoyed listening to The Awakening.  I was captivated by Morrison's unique, soultry voice and meaningful songwriting!  The collections of songs contained such a varied range of sound and feelings.  From bright and upbeat to the raw and emotional, The Awakening is definitely one of those "soundtracks of life" which I think everyone can relate to in some aspect.  A few of my favorite tracks from the album include: Beautiful Life, The Awakening, One Life, Slave to the Music, and Up (ok so I pretty much like all of them so it was hard to choose favorites).
James Morrison has taken the UK by storm and now it he is venturing to the US as well!  He has already sold TONS of albums and I can see why!  His music resonates beautifully!
I was not compensated for this review. I receive product(s) for free so that I can provide my insight and experience. These are my honest opinions. Your experience may vary.


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