Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Before we talk about anything else, can we please address the super awesome name of the website, UglySofa.Com??  How great is that??  I mean, doesn't it just conjure up visions of the most delightfully awful couches?  A+ for that alone! 

Have you heard of UglySofa.Com?  They sell fabulous slipcovers from a popular brand (referred to as Brand X) at a deeply discounted price.  If you have an ugly sofa you need to visit!  Here is bit more background on the company from their site...
We carry popular name brand catalog slipcovers at unbeatable pricing. These slipcovers are high end and are known for their durability and great fit. We got these slipcovers at deep discounts and we want to pass the savings on to you. 

Brand "X" is so named (by us) because we "X" out the name brand tags in order to prevent returns to this brand. You would see their catalog on coffee tables around the country as a "symbol of status". You would find their stores in exclusive upscale shopping destinations and their website is one of the most popular home decor sites on the internet. High end, high quality, best loose-fit slipcovers in the world (in our opinion).

Great concept right?  I mean, let's face it, lots of companies like Brand X (and Y and Z for that matter!) charge outrageous prices that most families can't afford.  I am all for someone like UglySofa.Com stepping in to help pretty up my space for a fraction of the price!  The goods at UglySofa.Com are not limited to slipcovers either.  They have all sorts of fun and fashionable things for the home.  Right now they are featuring their Christmas Stockings and I was lucky enough to receive one.

Now, I actually have family Christmas Stockings from Brand X in the red and white gingham pattern so I could easily compare.  UglySofa.Com sent me one of their stockings featuring an adorable dog (we are getting a dog....yippeee!!) on the same red and white gingham theme we have from Brand X.  The Christmas Stocking from UglySofa.Com and Brand X are the same.  Really the same.  Quality, craftmanship, color....all the same!  You know what is different?  The price!  Right now you can buy a huge variety of Christmas Stocking for $4.99 .  That is flat out amazing!  You can't even get those cheap felt ones for under $5 in most places!  I know I am late in the game telling you about these for this year but stock up for next year now.  You will be so happy you did!!  These really enhance your Christmas decor.  Visit and order today.

While you are there be sure to check out their other areas of fabulousness.  I am currently drooling over and getting ready to buy an adorable chair for Little R's room.  I just have to pick a favorite!  Happy Shopping!


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