Monday, June 20, 2011

Enjoy Life Foods....Review & Giveaway!

As I have mentioned before, my son "W" has a pretty severe tree nut allergy.  It is very stressful finding safe foods for him so when we find a brand dedicated to being allergy free we do a little happy dance around here.  When the company also makes delicious products we pretty much go bananas which is why we LOVE Enjoy Life Foods.  I discovered Enjoy Life Foods about a year ago and I have been a fan ever since.

Enjoy Life Foods is a company whose products contain none of the 8 most common allergens (wheat/gluten, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, egg, soy, fish or shellfish).  Big sigh of relief for so many!  The plant where all of Enjoy Life Foods are processed is also dedicated solely to being allergen free as well so there is no fear of cross contamination.  Enjoy Life Foods makes a wide variety of foods such as cereals, cookies, granola, trail mixes, snack bars, bagels and more.  This is great news for those limited to what they can eat because of food allergies!

When Enjoy Life Foods offered to send me two of their new products I was thrilled.  The day the package arrived "W" was particularly excited because when he sees the red Enjoy Life logo he knows the products inside the packaging are safe foods for him.  The excitement level rose when we saw what was inside...Semi-Sweet Chocolate Mega Chunks and Double Chocolate Crunch Granola.  It was a chocolate lovers delight!

We tore into the granola right away and it did not stand a chance.  I think it was gone within a day!  The taste was rich and chocolaty with  the perfect amount of sweetness.  Their was some serious crunch and no weird texture which I have found with other allergy free granola products.  This snack has become a real staple in our house for everyone (not just "W" although he does not like to share with this one!).

The Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chunks the boys and I used in my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. We of course sampled a few chunks right out of the bag (hey...this is research!!) and they were delicious!  When the cookies came out of the oven the deal was sealed....the chocolate chunks were sweet, chocolaty, and "melty" just as they should be.  Thumbs up all around!

I think these two new products from Enjoy Life Foods are fantastic.   As a mom to a child with food allergies it is so important for me to find product that are safe for "W" while also being tasty and comparable to what others are eating.  Enjoy Life Foods allows me to give "W" the treats other people are eating without having to worry about a rogue nut...thank you Enjoy Life Foods!!!   Click HERE to find out where to buy in your area and online.

Thanks to my friends at Enjoy Life Foods, TWO lucky RBM readers will win a package of Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chunks and Double Chocolate Crunch Granola!  Here is how to enter...

Mandatory Entry: Visit The Enjoy Life Foods website and leave a comment below telling me another one of their yummy products you would like to try. You must complete this entry for all others to count.

For Extra Entries:

1.  Follow this blog= 1 entry
2.  Like Reviewed By Mom on Facebook =1 entry
3.  Like Enjoy Life Foods on Facebook =1 entry
4.  Enter one of my other giveaways & let me know you have done so = 1 entry per giveaway entered.
5.  Follow Enjoy Life Foods on Twitter = 1 entry
6.  Follow Reviewed By Mom on Twitter = 1 entry
7.   Tweet or Facebook about this giveaway & let me know where to find it = 1 entry
8.  Put my button on your blog and let me know where to find it = 1 entry
8.  Blog about this giveaway and link back to RBM = 5 entries

Please leave a separate comment for each entry and be sure to include your e-mail.  Contest is open to US residents and will end on July 1st.    The lucky winner will be announced by e-mail on July 2nd and also here on Reviewed By Mom.  Winners will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is draw. Good Luck!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post and I was provided with a sampling of  Enjoy Life Foods for purpose of review.  The opinions in this post are entirely my own. Your experience may differ from mine. This post has not been reviewed or edited by anyone. I was not compensated in any other way for this review. The sponsor of this giveaway is responsible for prize fulfillment and shipping the winner(s) their prize.


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