Sunday, August 21, 2011

Rafflecopter ONLY Giveaway Linky!

As you all have probably noticed, I have started to use Rafflecopter for almost all of my giveaways.  The feedback I have received is FANTASTIC!  I am hearing that it is easier for you all to enter contests and I think that is great news.  I want it to be easy to win here at Reviewed By Mom!

I have partnered up with some other wonderful blogs to provide you all with a Rafflecopter ONLY Giveaway Linky!  This is a great place to find some great and easy to enter contests as well as promote your own Rafflecopter giveaways!  You will be able to find it as a permenant fixture here on RBM by visiting the tab at the top of my page entitled Rafflecopter ONLY Giveaway Linky.  Good luck and please let me know if you end up a winner of one of these great Rafflecopter giveaways!


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